Customs of the feast of circumcision

Customs of the feast of circumcision

   The circumcision ceremony is in general an Egyptian custom since ancient times since in a tomb of a doctor called Anj Ma Hor in the Saqqara necropolis, this scene is clearly seen from the operation performed by two teenagers. Boys are made from the age of one month to thirteen.
   In our time, the nurse barber who is in charge of doing circumcision for boys, before they are one year old and without using anesthesia. People are invited for a meal at their parents' home.
   Among several customs stands out the curious custom of asking for henna powder to make the tattoo, which is usually used to paint the nails and the skin of the hands and feet in Egypt, to contaminate the water that they put in front of him in a bucket great and the people invited to this very important social ceremony had the habit of throwing money into this glass; that in general it was metallic as a gift (type of social tip) in favor of the child of the party and this is how the nurse barber does so that people do not see what the glass of the amount of money had and it is to avoid envy.
   During a lunar month, the child at the party cannot go out of the house and the family gives him a lot of dessert to overcome the pain of the surgery.

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